Monday, September 24, 2012

What do plants need to grow?


As part of my future scenario my focus will be maintaining the start of the ozone layer thinning where there is a rising sea level and Brisbane City is prone to casual flooding as a result, Queen Street maul has been turned into a channel for access water from the Brisbane River to flow out through Eagle Street pier. This would be the start of future water channels throughout the city, Where are my future design set in 2020 would be an example of what may be implemented around Brisbane City. Essentially what I am looking to propose is a versatile adaptable and modular frame structure that will use the Brisbane River as an energy source as well as solar energy due to the rising UV rays from the ending ozone layer. In our previous group project we suggested for the Brisbane City to become the hub of self-sufficiency and sustainability as a result I believe an urban farm which caters for the increasing population would sit well in the proposed site and scenario. I have found some examples of Plant Systems so that I maybe able to Have a better understanding of what Plants need to grow and then I will look at how I may design a singular self-sufficient housing cell which can be multiply as an adaptable additive system. Experimental Plant Incubator involves a hydroponic self-sustaining modular system for plant cultivation. It consisted of a series of ‘bubbles’, in which selected plants were inserted. A small fan sustained each “plant pod” and the infrastructure of connecting plastic tubing allowed water circulation to and from the pool underneath.

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