Project 2 Assessment
Criteria – The Architecture Fiction Set.
Below is the Project 2 assessment criteria where I have extracted the text provided by our Unit Co-ordinator Yasu and created a guideline format which I find easier to refer to. I have segmented each topic into three colours which will help create my "plan of attack" in the coming weeks.
Strategically communicate an architectural
proposal through a creative as well as logically and realistically
constructed series of events in the form of a factitious story.
REALITY (12.5%): Have relevant
contexts you can observe today been studied and well incorporated into your
Architecture Fiction? Has the development been documented appropriately in
your blog and outcomes been presented well in the final
CREATIVITY (12.5%): Have background
contexts extracted from your team's scenario developed in Project One been
refined and developed into a unique and imaginative plot for your
Architecture Fiction? Have the development been documented appropriately in
your Blog and outcomes been communicated well in your
presentation/submission? The story has
to be developed and presented through methods of your choice such as a series
of captured scenes, storyboard and/or a movie.
Design an architectural entity that
works. Describe the most important aspects of your proposal as well as your
proposal should be a response to the future contexts that you are to
communicate in your story.
PURPOSE (15%): Has the purpose of your proposed architectural entity been
defined in response to needs and desires of future citizens? Is the design
response appropriate? Has the development been well documented in your blog?
Have outcomes been communicated well in your final presentation/submission?
Why should your proposal be realised? How does it offer meaningful spaces
and services for future citizens if realised?
NAVIGATION (15%): Has specific uses of your proposed spaces been studied and the
circulation within and/or access to the entity been studied and demonstrated?
Is it evident in the design? Has the development been well documented and
communicated in the blog and final presentation/submission? How do
people arrive at a space? How do they find the space? How do they move
between spaces? Your proposal needs to address issues concerning how your
design offers appropriate and meaningful access to and from your architectural
entity and circulation within and between each space. It is very important
that you constantly evaluate and re-evaluate your access and circulation
INTEGRITY (15%): Is a good level of structural and/or operational integrity and
unity clearly visible in your design proposal? Are appropriate structures,
details, materials and/or technologies used to construct your proposed
spaces? Has the development been well documented in the blog and outcomes
been demonstrated well in final presentation/submission? You are required to
demonstrate structural and operational integrity of your physical and/or
virtual spaces/artefacts and show how they work and are maintained as an
appropriate architectural entity.
Communicate the value and relevance of your
architectural proposal.
PRESENCE & IDENTITY (15%): Has the presence and relevance of the proposed architectural
entity and its identity in its location (site) been considered with strong
understanding of what it should provide and be known for? Has the idea
development been well documented in the blog and outcomes been well
communicated in the final presentation/submission?
FIRST-PERSON EXPERIENCE (15%): Has the experience of users been considered and effectively
presented from the perspectives of users? Has the investigation been
documented in the Blog and presented well in the final
presentation/submission? It is imperative that you made your design
decisions based on the requirements of people who experience and use the
proposed spaces. You need to demonstrate not only generic appearances of
spaces with people, but also construct scenarios to depict how specific
people in specific needs and circumstances experience and utilise spaces you
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